Tuesday, March 31, 2009

16 Miles in the Rain

Right when I got to the "start line" I told myself I didn't want to run. It was raining and I was the only one at the park, so why the heck should I run? I just ran yesterday...it won't be a big deal if I don't...and being in my warm house sounds sooo nice.

UGH! I somehow made myself start running and I'm so glad I did. I managed to complete today's goal: 12mi run, 4x.5mi hill repeats (I ran up and down the hill), thus finishing out 16 miles for the day. I felt strong and good and now it's alllll over. Woohoo!


Heather said...

Ditto the woohoo! Your self-motivation is inspiring, I need to be inspired to work-out.

Running 2 Mohican said...

Life is good and way to be motivated.

Clara said...


Heather- If self-motivation doesn't work, make a bet with someone where you have to pay them if you don't do it. I've done that mannny times. :)