Sunday, April 5, 2009

Weekly Recap

Mon- 6m, 6x.5mi hills, 10min abs
Tues- 12m, 4x.5mi hills
Wed- 6m (1st/last fast), 10min abs
Thurs- 10min arms
Fri- 12m, 10min abs
Sat- 20m, 10min arms, 10min abs
Sun- 11x.25mi, 3x.5mi sprints

I didn't end up doing Friday's workout. My [honest] rationalization is that when I had planned out my training schedule for the week last Monday, I didn't pay attention to the amount of miles I was going to run...I kind of just randomly wrote down some miles to do each day. SOO, I didn't necessarily care to run what would have been 70 miles this week. 56 is fine. :)

Regarding the sprints...let's face it- I just hate running sprints for some reason and I don't know how to enjoy them. I know that for this next week, I'll definitely plan them in the beginning of the week so I'm not as tempted to ignore them.

It was pouring out rain today and I went to the track and ran 5/10 .25mi sprints. I was freezing so I came home and did 6 more on the treadmill. I was surprised at how much easier they were to do on the treadmill than on the track. #1, I can set my own pace and stick to it the entire time; #2, Looking at how much mileage I have left on the treadmill is much better than looking at the rest of the boring track circle I have to complete.

However, the treadmill doesn't make it so much more easier that I'll sprint more than .25miles. Yep, I attempted to do a half mile sprint and that's the point where I quit and didn't care enough. Por eso, there are 11x .25 mi sprints. I suck. Dangit.

Now I'll start tapering for Boston. I don't think I've actually intentionally tapered since I ran my first marathon in 2004. I don't even remember how to taper properly...I might have to go back and look at my weekly marathon training guide from 5 years ago (but I'm sure I'll just randomly pick some miles to do instead).

After Boston comes a change in gear to get ready for Mohican's 100 Miles: #1, Start running on trails again; #2, Quit worrying about my pace (woohoo!); #3, Run more back-to-back long runs; #4, hills, hills, hills, hills; #5, Prepare mentally!!!


sparlingbill said...

Hola Clarita,
Hoy caminaba el maraton marciano en 4:56, o sea doce minutos mejor de lo que caminaba en Columbus. Estaba muy feliz con el resultado aunque tuve problemas con calambres en los ultimos tres millas, los cuales seguramente me costaron bastantes minutos.
Ademas, fue la primera vez en los ultimos diez veces que logro cumplir un maraton caminando en menos de cinco horas.
Eso indica que es posible que entre hacer ejercicios de los abdominales y practicar caminando casi excusivamente por un mez fue una buena idea.
Desgraciadamente, no habia una catagoria para caminar en vez de correr, entonces no me ha de dar un buen puesto en mi catagoria (ancianos de alta edad y sobrepeso)

sparlingbill said...

Tambien, te iba a decir que entre tus carreras de interes dice que hay algo en Pinckney en Noviembre incluyendo una de cien k, pero cuando lo busco en el internet me da la pagina para DWD en Septiembre. Crees que hay una carrera de ese largo en Pinckney este otono? Seria muy interesante para mi porque quiero tratar una carrera de cien k mientras estoy joven.

Running 2 Mohican said...

Nice! Hey, I had someone talk to me this weekend at my race about you. They have read your blog via my link and have some information to share with you. Shoot me an e-mail so I can forward your e-mail to her. She is a very talented runner, marathoner, and ultra runner and I think it may be a good person for you to talk with.

Clara said...


Felicidades!!! Queee bueno! No puedo creer que corrieras tan rapido; bien hecho!! De la carrera en noviembre en que yo habia hablado con los directores de DWD y les pedi que tengan una carrera de 100 millas porque me cantan sus carerras y queria yo correr mas de 50 millas. Me dijeron que iban a tener una en noviembre de estas distancias...pero todavia no tengo mas information. Vamos a ver. Todavia estas pensando en Kettle 100K? Yo no. Que te cuides y tenga una buena semana!

Rob- Will do. Thanks!